To:              MPA Member Schools

From:         Maine Principals’ Association

Date:          March 16, 2020

Subject:     Delay of Spring Sports


This memo is being sent out to schools to help clarify the delay of the spring sports season.  As the entire state deals with the Coronavirus Disease, and the impact that it is having on all Maine schools, we wanted to send out a statement regarding how each of you can assist us during this down time. 

We would ask each school to treat this time similarly to how you would treat the hands-off time between seasons and during the two-week period in early August.  There should not be any organized team activity between now and the start of the spring season.  Coaches should not be organizing individual workout plans for their athletes and there should be no expectation that athletes participate in any type of an organized training program. 

Please know that as soon as we can begin the spring sports season that we will do so, but during this very uncertain time that we ask each of you to help us out by following these guidelines.