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With the start of the Fall Sports Season beginning tomorrow, Sept. 14th, each program will have a team meeting involving coaches, athletes, and parents. Head coaches for each sports program will be providing sport specific information. This will be a virtual meeting format and the date, time, and links for each meeting are listed below:

Cross Country –Coach Carrigan and Coach Thombs

Sept. 14th @ 6:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 920 3368 7756 Passcode: 7BHhFd

Field Hockey – Coach Saunders

Sept. 14th @ 7:45 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 714 5429 1952 Passcode: yhsfh2020

Football – Coach Hartman

Sept. 15th @ 7:00 p.m.

Zoom meeting the Room ID is 475 936 3243

Golf – Coach Cousins

Sept. 14th @ 6:30 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 929 2872 5278 Passcode: fStA7u

Boys’ Soccer – Coach Hagerty

Sept. 14th @ 6:00 p.m.

Girls’ Soccer – Coach Higgins

Sept. 14th @ 6:00 p.m.

Volleyball – Coach Senecal

No meeting as Volleyball Season has been moved to the Spring Season

Contact Head Coach Senecal at with any questions.