Yarmouth High School
Winter Sports 2020-2021
Activity Registration Information
The Yarmouth Athletic Department will be using an Activity Registration Program through rSchoolToday to register students for participation in any sport offered during the 2020-2021 school year. This program replaces the process used in the previous years to register for sports via the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Any student who wants to participate in sports must complete the registration process.
Important reminder - Parents must register their students by Wednesday, December 2, 2020 for Winter Sports. If you are adding in a registration for winter sports, please log in, click ‘register’ under registration history and select the existing student or a new student.
Click this link to access the Activity Registration site directly: Yarmouth Athletics Activity Registration
URL: https://yarmouthhs-ar.rschooltoday.com/
Activity Registration can also be completed by clicking the tab for ‘Activity Registration’ found on our Yarmouth Athletics rSchoolToday site (Yarmouth Athletics - rSchoolToday Site). URL: https://yarmouthhs.rschoolteams.com/
When registering online through the rSchoolToday Activity Registration site, please be prepared to provide the following information:
Contact Information for student (first page) - please enter the STUDENT’S email address here
Activity/Activities your child has selected to participate in
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Proof of physical information (upload written documentation from Physician’s office)
Date of Physical Examination - if this date matches what is listed in Power School we do not need documentation. If this is a new physical, we will need the documentation.
Note: Physicals are valid for 2 years from the date of exam. The current physical date on file with the Yarmouth School Department can be found in the parent portal of PowerSchool. You can also contact your health care provider for confirmation of their last physical exam for clearance to participate in athletics. Please enter this date, as long as it is not expired, this means we also have the documentation on file as well. If the physical has expired, please update with a new date and provide proof of a physical, otherwise please schedule a physical with your student-athlete’s provider. This must be done prior to the start of athletic participation.
Medical Information
Primary Doctor
Preferred Hospital
Preferred Dentist
Emergency Contact Information
Read and agree to the following:
Academic Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular Code of Conduct
Sports Related Concussion (SRC) Information Sheet and Return to Play Guidelines
Medical History
Insurance information
Electronic Signature
For more information, please contact by phone at the Athletic Department number: 207-846-2329 or by email at:
Athletic Director David Creech at david_creech@yarmouthschools.org
Athletics Assistant Sarah Holmes at sarah_holmes@yarmouthschools.org