Clipper Fans!

The Winter playoff season is upon us! Please come out and support our teams over the break!

Events in Chronological Order:

Saturday February 17th 10:00 a.m. Boys Basketball vs. Maranacook @ Portland Expo

Saturday, February 17th 12:00 p.m. Indoor Track State Championships @ Bates College

Monday, February 19th 11:00 a.m. Girls Swim States @ Bowdoin

Monday, February 19th 4:50 p.m. Boys Hockey vs. Greely

Monday, February 19th 9:00 a.m. Girls & Boys Alpine @ Big Rock (Giant Slalom)

Tuesday, February 20th 9:00 a.m.Girls & Boys Alpine @ Big Rock (Slalom)

Tuesday, February 20th 11:00 a.m. Boys Swim States @ Bowdoin

Wednesday, February 21st 1:00 p.m.Girls & Boys Nordic @ Fort Kent (Classic)

Thursday, February 22nd 9:00 a.m. Girls & Boys Nordic @ Fort Kent (Freestyle)

Thursday, February 22nd 6:00 p.m. Boys Basketball vs. TBD (if win on 2/17) 

Thursday, February 22nd 7:10 p.m. Boys Ice Hockey vs. Gardiner (senior night)

Please be sure to follow me on @YHSClippers or through the new YSD app for all the latest updates and highlights!

Admission to MPA Events:

$8.00 Adults

$5.00 for Students and Seniors

Tickets can be purchased on line in advance at

All MPA Events can be live streamed at this NFHS Media link

I encourage all students to review the Student Spectator Guidelines. Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarity on the expectations included in this document.

The Maine Principals Association defines sportsmanship as playing by the established rules of a contest; competing and accepting the result without complaining, gloating or taunting; and cheering in only an enthusiastic and supportive manner that does not disrespect, taunt, distract, ridicule, or attempt to intimidate an opponent, its fans or game officials.

As fans, we ask that you do not:

  • use noisemakers (bells, air horns, coin-filled bottles, etc.).
  • use degrading or taunting language directed at players, officials, coaches or any opponent.
  • flaunt victory ("warm-up the bus", "scoreboard', "na-na-na-na, goodbye" etc.).
  • remove your shirt.
  • interrupt games by throwing objects on the court or by entering the playing surface.
  • commit any act that would embarass your school, its coaches, or its players.
  • chant negative, derogatory, or intimidating cheers that demean opponents.
  • rush onto the playing surface at the end of a game putting players, coaches and other fans at risk for injury.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you over break to support our teams!