October 28, 2022
Dear HMS Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the end of October! We hope this update finds you well and enjoying the much needed sunshine. Our students have been engaged in a variety of learning activities, ranging from a Spirit Series writing workshop in 8th grade, cooperative learning activities in Health Science, and final activities for our One Book, One School author visit on November 4. Yesterday for Thoughtful Thursday, a group of our sixth graders picked up litter around our school with incredible enthusiasm. A huge “thank you” to the Logan/Found team for helping to keep our school litter-free!
In this update you will find information about the following topics:
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
Candy Buy Back Event
One Book, One School - Update
HMS Library - help our books!
Active Parenting Class
Merrill Library Update
Dates to Date
HMS Update #7 will be sent on November 10, 2022. Please continue to reach out with any questions.
With Gratitude,
Mandy Lewis and Tom McDowell
HMS Administrative Team
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
From Rebecca Spear, our district’s Partners In Education Coordinator:
We are excited to reignite our community partnerships and career exploration programs throughout the district this year. There are a number of ways to get involved at the middle school and high school level. We will have opportunities like hosting job shadows, being a career day presenter, participating in a virtual panel discussion, providing community service opportunities and more throughout the year. If this is something that interests you, we'd love you to complete this quick survey. LINK HERE
Candy Buy Back Event
On November 1, 2022, there is a candy “buy back” event at a local dentist office. Dr. Shems, a dentist in Falmouth, will donate $2.00 per pound for all candy returned to the dental practice and will match dollar for dollar with all proceeds benefiting Colon Cancer Coalition (flier linked here).
One Book, One School - Update
Students are preparing for their final discussion of our One Book, One School novel next week. Varsha Bajaj, the author of Count Me In, will visit with each grade level at HMS during the day on November 4th. We are looking forward to her visit! Varsha will also be holding a 20-minute Q & A and book signing at Merrill Memorial Library on Thursday, November 3, at 6 PM. Copies of Varsha’s books will be available for purchase that evening, courtesy of Royal River Books. A flier for the event is linked here.
HMS Library - help our books!
We are experiencing a high number of damaged books being returned to the library, and it is impacting our ability to maintain a variety of titles for students. Please remind your student that library books should not be kept in backpacks next to water bottles or food, and library books should not be left outside. Thank you for your help!
Active Parenting Class
All parents are invited to participate in the Active Parenting class, a class based upon the idea of mutual respect between parent and child as well as a cognitive behavioral emphasis on personal choice, approach to change, and responsibility. Active Parenting will be held from 6-8pm virtually on the following dates:
November 3, 10, 17
December 1, 8, 15
Email Catherine Nein (catherine_nein@yarmouthschools.org), HMS School Counselor, or Chelsea Beckett (chelsea_beckett@yarmouthschools.org), YES School Counselor, with any questions and to confirm attendance.
Merrill Library Update Friday, October 28, 6:30PM: Young Emerging Author Night at the library. Come hear local teen authors read from their newly published novels and then answer questions about writing. Refreshments will be served.
Monday, October 31: any kid in grades K-12 who swings by the library in their costume from 3-5pm will get a free book (while supplies last).
The Middle School Dungeons & Dragons lottery is open until Tuesday, November 1. Participants will be notified on Weds, November 2 and the Club starts on Monday, November 7 and meets for 4 weeks. To sign up: https://forms.gle/CxCbmrJ1mSUh8DY6A
Thursday, November 3, 3:30: Cliffhangers Book Club. To sign up: https://forms.gle/j3zdpDyHHgd1MhYC8
Thursday, November 3, 6pm: Author Visit from One Book, One School author Varsha Bajaj. Varsha will answer questions and sign books. Books will be available for purchase from Royal River Books.
Saturday, November 12, 3pm, virtual: Chopped Cooking Challenge. We choose a few special ingredients and seal them in a box, you come to the library and pick up the box, then you gather your friends or family members and open the box (as a group on Zoom) and cook something tasty. https://forms.gle/7HoeUKXpLXLDuuZh7
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 5:30pm: FOR PARENTS OF TEENS: "Supporting the Mental Well-Being of the Teen(s) in Your Life" hosted by Valo, a local organization that works with teens to create space for them to explore their place in the world and to inspire them to find ways to live a hopeful life. The intention of this talk is to create a space for folks to talk about the ups and downs of supporting teens today.
Friday, November 18, 7pm, at the library: Trivia Night. Come solo or grab a team and come to trivia night in the library. https://forms.gle/EV32QfYeWHbzv4CR8
Dates to Date
November 3: Varsha Bajaj at Merrill Memorial Library at 6pm (Book signing and Q+A)
November 4: One Book, One School Author Visit at HMS
November 11: Veterans Day - no school
November 15: School Picture Retakes